Amazing Features
The Web3 Property Investment is developing both a Metaverse and Real World Blockchain Defi application that allows inclusivity in Property investment Worldwide with even a small modest investment.

Instant Participation


Blockchain technology
About Us
The Web3 Property Network is the first-ever technology to
interact/bridge Metaverse Virtual Reality and Real World applications in the Real Estate Property markets!
Our property education game and virtual properties will not be based upon random AI-generated properties that do not exist in real life; instead, they will be based on reality.

The Origination.
Decentralized assets and blockchain are the future of the world. In 2009 the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was launched. People worldwide started to realize this decentralized asset's true potential slowly but surely.
Nowadays, cryptocurrency is one of the most popular digital assets. According to data from CoinMarketCap, there are currently more than 7,800 crypto projects. But not all of them serve the same purpose. Many cryptocurrencies are created for human freedom and financial inclusion, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. On the other hand, there are dozens of meme coins such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.
This paper introduces a crypto project called Web3 Property Net that aims to allow even the smallest of Investors to invest in Property via STOs as well as NFTs for creations such as music and art and to also bridge between the real estate market and the crypto world.
How big is the crypto market?
Coinmarket Cap reports that the total market cap of cryptocurrencies is almost One trillion US dollars as of mid june 2022. The crypto market has grown over 600 percent from $397 billion as of November 3rd of 2020 and added nearly $1 trillion
Real Estate market situation.
Shelter is a basic right of a human being. There is always a
demand for property buying or renting in the market. The
size of the professionally managed global real estate
investment market was estimated at 10.5 trillion US dollars in
The Idea
The idea is to build a platform where we connect metaverse and the real world. People with even small amounts of Capital will be able to invest in real estate and additionally participate in Virtual reality educational games based upon property/ real estate .
People will also get benefits by buying and holding properties in the metaverse / virtual World just like they will get in the real world—for example, rents and sales revenue.
The core purpose behind the Web3 Property Net technology is to develop a censorship-resistant, decentralized process of transferring value which is recorded on an immutable, distributed ledger to take back custody of one’s finances, removing the reliance on intermediaries such as depository and central banks (the same institutions who were ultimately responsible for the collapse of the global financial system, the effects of which are still felt around the world today). Over the last 13 years, the Cryptoverse has grown exponentially. Mass adoption of Blockchain technology seems continually more inevitable with the aggressive pace of innovation, mammoth increase in a real-world application, increased accessibility, and over a decade of battle testing.Today, BLOCKCHAIN and STOs and NFTs provide the solution to what the Internet of Things has suffered since its inception. The internet has brought tremendous benefits but has suffered from not protecting People’s property, whether art, music, etc. NFTs and STOs provide the solution to this problem a Decentralized, Trustless Blockchain-based Digital Certification of Ownership.
The (Web3 PN) Crowdfunding Platform
Asset tokenization is the process by which any real-world asset, tangible or intangible, is digitized and then divided into smaller pieces that take the form of tokens.

Each token represents a proportional part of the digitized asset, offering the owner of the token the corresponding economic rights. One of the main factors driving the rise of the tokenization industry is the growing need to grant access to a growing audience of both small and large investors with new forms of investment. True democracy and decentralization can only be achieved with the use of blockchain technology. Web3_PN Crowdfunding Platform is a decentralized, digitalized real estate investment ecosystem. Through this platform, users of Property
Network will be able to invest in property real estate projects and diversify their investment portfolios. People will be able to invest and buy creative Arts projects/properties ( such as music and art ) in NFT form. The buyer of the NFT asset will also acquire outright or shared ownership rights of the physical property with the amount of investment reflecting their percentage of ownership.
Asset tokenization is the process by which any real-world asset, tangible or intangible, is digitized and then divided into smaller pieces that take the form of tokens. Each token represents a proportional part of the digitized asset, offering the owner of the token the corresponding economic rights.
One of the main factors driving the rise of the tokenization industry is the growing need to grant access to a growing audience of both small and large investors with new forms of investment. True democracy and decentralization can only be achieved with the use of blockchain technology.
The Web3_Property Network “Crowdfunding” Platform is a decentralized, digitalized real estate investment ecosystem. Through this platform, users of Web3 Property Network ( with Web3_PNs continuous blockchain enhancement , AI adoption, Market growth and penetration e.t.c ) will be able to :
* invest in inclusive exclusive real estate projects and diversify their investment portfolios,
* Invest in and participate in appropriate Property Development projects as crowdfund financiers .Such projects will be ring fenced and secured by the assets and will entail the full agreement of the Investors .
User of Web3 Property Network will also be able to:
*Release Equity in exchange for STOs .
* Trade their STOs and NFTs on exchanges.
*Protect their original Creations such as in Art and Music by issuing NFTs —the answer to “protecting Intellectual Property in the Internet of things”!
This will be a separate arm of Web3_PN intended to assist the creative arts Industries to flourish.
People will be able to invest and buy properties in STO and or NFT form as appropriate. The buyer of the STO / NFT asset will also acquire either outright or shared ownership rights of the physical property with the amount of investment reflecting their percentage of ownership.
About Web3 Property Network GAME
The Web3 Property network is an up and coming mobile real estate game, available on both iOS and Android, that has been designed to emulate as closely as possible the real world of property development in the UK and Worldwide.

The Web3 Property Network Game
Web3 Property Net is designed to allow users to buy
and trade metaverse properties based on real locations with
game credits. People will be able to purchase Properties via
the Metaverse at a rate that reflects Real World Property /
Real Estate prices thereby building a realistic metaverse
property portfolio.
The aim is to create an authentic market environment using accurate data and with subsequent location hosted on a platform such as SandBox or such other Metaverse as needs determine. Real estate investors can take on and live the virtual life of a wealthy property magnate.
Upon joining the game , every member will receive a joining bonus of 1 million credits to start trading on properties. Members can also buy credits to supercharge their portfolio.
. In addition, members will be able to request to add properties of their choice through "Acquisition Agent". All of this to be developed and rolled out Worldwide utilising appropriate Property search engines/platforms.
How Does The Game Work?
Game members can search for any property of choice and purchase it with game credits. There are three ways of searching for a property.

Property Search
Members can search for a property by the actual address or postcode.
Members can search for a property by the actual address or postcode.

Estate Agent
Members can search for a property by the actual address or postcode.
Members can search for properties by selecting one of the Estate agents in the game.

Acquisition Agent
Members can search for a property by the actual address or postcode.
Any member can buy an unowned property on the database (off-market) for an acquisition fee. If the property of choice is not present in the game database, a member can request to add it, and our dev team will manually add the property to the database
Upon purchase and sale, a member is charged a realistic purchase and sale cost such as stamp duty, solicitor fees, agent fees and other applicable costs . Each portfolio property receives rent at a practical regional yield, and the value of each property changes according to the market's demand, just like in the real World market.
Players will be able to accumulate some W3PN coins/NFTs which will later allow for participation in the profits derived from the various Fees associated with the main Crowdfunding Platform . Such fees, as One would anticipate, will normally be associated with services such as Arrangement fees, Smart Contract fees, a portion of Property management fees, Buying and selling of Property STO fees, Advertising revenue etc.
Read Our Documents
Check-Out Our Documentation and The plan to Grow the Brand and Our dual purpose Platform which will provide a user interface.

Download Our Whitepaper
Web3 Property Network is creating a dAPP ( DECENTRALISED APPLICATION ) which provides the tools needed for Individuals and Businesses to invest in and indeed issue where appropriate their own Secutity Token Offering( STOs ) and Non Fungible Tokens ( NFTs) anywhere in the World using state of the Art Blockchain Technology.
Our dual purpose Platform will provide a user interface that will be a superb experience and will be designed for ease of use.
The platform will allow for Developers to raise asset backed funds as well as for Investors to invest in those assets.
How To Buy?
For Buying Our Web3 PN Tokens (W3PN) Please Read the how to buy our Token, Here are the Details below.
Please Note: These Links Have Not Been Activated. These Links Will Be Activated Subsequent To The Pre-ICO Launch.

Our Web3 W3PN SHARE TOKEN ICO Distribution
The Web3 Property Network offers a market-leading, legally compliant, decentralized platform to perform STO’s/ NFTs and investment management coupled with a Metaverse educational game, making a secure, transparent, convenient solution in which to raise funds through tokenization and/or participate in a Virtual Reality property investment portfolio. So, we intend to be decentralized community-driven, thereby allowing anyone easy access to property investment, be they either small or large investors.

Token Name : W3PN
Total Initial Supply: 20,000,000
Investor 45%
Wat Chest 25%
Liquidity 8%
Team 17%
Advisors 1.5%
Airdrop 1.5%
Game App Participants 2%
Frequently Asked Questions.
Why invest now?
Initial investors who invest in the ico period are liable to Earn more than investors who purchase after the ICO period ( see are there any bonuses for early investors)
What problem is Web3 Property Solving solving?
Web3 PN is bringing the ability for any Investor with even limited Capital available the opportunity to invest in Asset backed projects.
What kinds of people, groups, or organisations have that problem?
A. Until very recently, the ability to invest in a multitude of Property and other assets has by and large been the preserve of the wealthy ..Web3 PN, by utilising SECURITY TOKENS OFFERINGS (STOs) disrupts that investment model allowing both small and indeed large Investors to make use of STOs as an investment vehicle for Crowdfunded Property assets.
Who will Web3 PN compete with?
A. It is the intention of Web3 PN to assist Property Professional throughout the World to market Properties and deliver superior returns ( rents etc ) to it’s STO and NFT stakeholders. In essence, Web3 PN will be partnering with Property Developers and Agents Worldwide rather than competing . It can be accepted that due to the contrarian model of the Web3 PN crowdfunding STO platforms , Web3 PN will be a direct competitor of the traditional Banking sector who effectively crowdfund depositors funds to lend on with profits going to the Banks shareholders as opposed to the depositors. The opposite is the case with Web3 PN.
How will Web3 PN make money?
A. Web3 PN charges a percentage for issuing the STOs and in some actual Crowd funded projects , will deliver Profits based on property developed projects . Projects will be professionally managed and ring fenced with the Property Assets as security for STO investors. There will also be opportunities to profit from interest earned , a small percentage of the rent delivered on managed properties , issuing of the STO or NFT fees , Buying and selling of STOs/NFTs on exchanges etc .
Will Web3 PN’s innovative approach be a real benefit to the People ?A. Absolutely ! We are committed to inclusivity and wish to provide services with low risk and in certain cases no risk with all of this to even the most modest Investor which heretofore has been the preserve of mainly wealthy People only . Financial Institutions are designed to build greater wealth for the Rich ( hence, Banks Private Clients services, Family Offices etc all cater for only wealthy Individuals and corporations and exclusivity is promoted because You need large amounts of Capital generally in order to participate ! ) With Web3 PN’s contrarian and disruptive blockchain STO abilities, even small Investors will gain access to building security and wealth for themselves and their families.
Does Web3 PN offer a service that can be trustworthy enough for People to share their private information ?A. YES! Additionally it is the stated objective of Web3 PN to comply with Laws pertaining as well as compliance with the standard KYC ( Know Your Customer legislations ) etc.
How will Web3 PN make money for your investors in Web3 PN Token Utility Shares ?A. Based on the above activities , Web3 PNs profit generation will be visibly transparent and therefore Shareholder/Utility Token values will be a reflection of those profits and indeed future prospects in what is predicted to be an exponential growth market.
How is Web3 PN going to spend investors’ money?A. Please refer to the White Paper to see how Web3 PN will invest. Here is the link : - - - - -
What makes your team suited for this business?A. Please refer to the Team Members section to see the Profiles of Our Team members . Suffice to say that Web3 PN is working with some of the most advanced Technology and Property professionals in the Industry and subsequent to launch will be embarking on a recruitment campaign to strengthen and consolidate the expertise within the Business.
What milestones have been met?A. Please refer to White Paper Tokenomics and Roadmap as set out there . Here with the link :
How is Web3 PN different?A. Web3 PN utilises trustless Blockchain technology to deliver Property backed STOs and also NFTs ( Non Fungible Tokens ) . Web3 PN will be among the very few Companies in the World with this ability and additionally is devoted to educational programs about property investing .
Does Web3 PN benefit from any government concessions that could harm other BusinessesA. No is the straight answer.
How is Web3 PN going to get the word out?A. Mass email marketing campaigns to Investors and Property professionals worldwide is planned and ready to go in pre-ICO seed capital raise. Web3 Property Network will also commit to ongoing development and delivery of the “Play Web3 PN” app which is an educational tool and game that will be free to users Worldwide. Using the Appropriate publishing on Coin Telegraph, Coin Gecko, Campaign on Blog, PR Strategies, Google Ads and SEO Optimization etc. will all be employed as marketing tools to maximize awareness and sales strategies.
Will using Web3 PNs products and services on a regular basis be helpful to others.A. YES! The objectives of Web3 PN include those services that have the network effect of better communications and delivery as well as ease of use etc. The more usage then the more inclusivity that can be derived which will assist others.
What traction has Web3 PN made?A. As Per stage 1 of our Roadmap Our Web3 PN$ BEP20 Token is now in its Pre Ico Period. 40% of our tokens are now available for purchase at the very lowest Price they will ever be. There is many ways you can Buy Web3 PN Shares.
If I am willing to pay a premium for a product or service , will that premium be reflected in the service provided?A. Yes . It is the stated goal of Web3 PN to provide value with products based upon ethical principles.
Will Web3 PN adhere rigidly to high ethical standards in their value propositions?A. YES! Web3 PN is structured to deliver a Trustless Decentralised Inclusive Principle based set of products and services.
About Web3 Property NETWORK.
Web3 property Net ( W3PN ) is a crypto project based on the above idea of including even modest Investors with small Capital to be able to participate in real estate investment. The mission and vision of this project is to allow everyone to buy properties and enter into the real estate world.
W3PN will also evolve to allow People release equity in their property in exchange for STOs that can be traded on an exchange .This will of course be determined on a case by case basis and with the further adoption of AI will become more and more mainstream in the future. Subject to Due diligence and other ethical advice and appropriate protections this will mean that Asset rich but “cash poor” property owners of any age will be able to use embedded value in their Property to release some of that equity as well as allowing the STO crowdfund participants to avail of asset backed Investments.
Additionally, with Our Educational game Platform element, Our properties will not solely be random AI-generated properties
that do not exist in real life; instead, they can be based on
reality reflecting Properties that do actually exist but played out on a virtual reality metaverse game. "Metaverse"Investors can participate in NFT property yields to make virtual passive money by renting
and appreciating property value. In addition to that, they will
be able to sell any property they own and profit from it within the Metaverse .
Utilising Blockchain, Web3 Property Network is the first-ever technology to interact/bridge Metaverse Virtual Reality and Real World applications in the Real Estate Property markets!
Web3 Property Net is creating a dApp (decentralized application) that provides the tools needed for individuals and businesses to issue their own Security Tokens and avail of Non-Fungible Token Digital Assets ( NFTs ) anywhere in the World using state-of-the-art blockchain technology. Web3 Property Net's dual-platform provides a user interface that is a best-in-class experience and easy to use and will be the first in the World to link Metaverse Game ( Virtual World ) technology and Real World Crowdfunding investment strategies.
The dual-platform opens opportunities to individuals and businesses looking for alternative methods of raising funding through tokenization as well as Property Game technology for Property Investment within the Metaverse based on ( reflecting ) Real-World ACTUAL properties.
Smart contracts and NFTs, in effect, solve the problem of cryptography!
Web3 Property Net sets out to develop a self-governed, self-funded, and self-sustaining ecosystem focused on NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and STOs (SECURITY TOKENS OFFERINGS) that will allow Individuals and Businesses to Tokenize/NFT assets anywhere in the World.
Web3 Property Net is the first of its kind that will not just be a Crowdfunding/STO platform but will also bridge between Real World Property Investment and the Metaverse virtual Property portal also based upon real-world values . (as opposed to fictional creations).
Web3 Property Net project will have two different sections. Namely:
More than 3 Billion Worldwide Use
We aim to improve cryptocurrency access to all across the globe by creating an outreach program that’s dedicated to supplying millions with the “Property Equity Network”. We realize how important diversifying your currency is and still so few have yet to do so. Ultimately we believe with our plans and reach we will be able to supply millions.